Tuesday, September 04, 2007

That's It... I'm Starting a New Institute...

...just so I can get grants. I'm thinking of calling it the "Institute for the Study of the Incredibly Apparent" so that I can get grants to study stuff like this: Earth-Shattering Study: Men Like Good-Looking Women

From later in the article: "The scientists said women were aware of the importance of their own attractiveness to men, and adjusted their expectations to select the more desirable guys."

Who could have seen that one coming? I'll bet the scientists in question are busily working on their next grant application involving "younger, hotter women with older, richer men."

Ain't science grand?


pineyflatwoodsgirl said...

Just as soon as I get younger and hotter, I'll look for a richer man....

brd said...

Beautiful photos on your pages! And if you get that grant maybe you could do a study of whether "Women Like Good-Looking Men." I wonder. . .