Thursday, August 11, 2005

NYT's Most Recent Mention of Gloria Wise

Here is, as of 1750 CDT, the most recent mention in the New York Times of the Gloria Wise organization.

For those who don't want to register to see the archive, it is dated June 8, 2003. Here's the portion that it hit on:
One memorable incident involved Molotov cocktails. Soon after Charles Rosen, the director of the Gloria Wise Boys and Girls Club, a Coop City organization, spoke vehemently against several candidates, someone threw two Molotov cocktails at the building that houses the club, causing slight damage. Although some people involved in the elections denied that the episode had anything to do with the contest, many others disagreed.
The story is about elections to the Co-Op City Board of Directors.

If you are registered with the NYT, here's a link you can use to check on it from time to time.

To recap, Rosen resigned last week. And now his replacement has set an end-date, too. (Registration required... et tu, NYPost?)

A tip of the White Sox cap to BizzyBlog for the idea on hitting the NYT archives search. He's got some others, too. Check out that post here.

(Another tip of the cap to Brian Maloney for pointing out the fun stuff at BizzyBlog today.)

UPDATE 2005-08-11-2010 CDT: NYT publishes the story! (reg. req'd) (eagle-eyed Michelle Malkin spotted it in the NY/Region section.) It isn't much. Let's see if they follow up.

UPDATE to the UPDATE: No sign of this story in their search yet. Maybe because it is dated 8/12. I'll try it again tomorrow... and it is there now (2005-08-12 0830 CDT).

UPDATE to the updated UPDATE 2005-08-12 1030 CDT: The part about Michelle Malkin was dropped between last night and today. Red State Rant has a bit and link that does the comparison.

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