Monday, April 23, 2007

Tulips, stately Larson Manor

Behind the pansies and between the tufty, lily-like plants and the cotoneasters that our builder left us, we planted a selection of tulips. The first two colors to emerge are the purple (negrita) and yellow. Coming later this spring (or rather sooner) Queen of the Night 'black' tulips. (Hopefully they'll have some overlap.)

The Black and Gold represent St. Olaf College and the Purple and Black represent Northwestern University. Alas, there aren't any blue ones, so my alma mater's colors weren't available.

Canon D20, shot JPEG-only. Scaled with the GIMP

One of Last December's Pansies Returns for Spring

Outside Stately Larson Manor, the bed of pansies we planted last November or early December have come back up this spring. Here's one of them, up close and personal.

It's odd that "pansy" has become a pejorative term. These are pretty tough little flowers to make it well into winter and still have enough oomph to return in the spring.

Taken with the Canon D20. Bandwidth-saving crop done with the GIMP

Saturday, April 07, 2007

After Much Deliberation and Research...

...The Missus and I have purchased a Canon D20. Even after adding a 2GB Compact Flash, carry-bag, sales tax and so forth, we came in under the price of the new D30 before tax.

For me, the deciding factor was comfort. I had to bend my finger rather radically to reach the shutter button on the Digital Rebel XTi. The D20, being a little wider, felt very natural in my hands.

We hope to have some photos to add in the coming days.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Dolomite Formation
Cave Point County Park

© 2007

Formation, normally submerged, offshore from Cave Point County Park near Bailey's Harbor.